its good very good but...
Its need a lot of work still i loved the three d parts after u beat missions those wear good i found one glitch tho when using bash he switches to a diff ememy eh but id love to see a 3d one were u can get clothes and weapons helmets etc for your guy and u would be able to pimp ur minions like give them stuff like rings and all i know that would be very difficult but if you made if 3d and everything pretty much customizable and 1st person mode that would get higer than tank men 1.5 it actually get like a 5.00 out of 5.00 oh and maybe diff characters eh
if you make it like that or another game LOTS of peole will be very happy and hey if its really good u could always sell ur game too
I loved this keep up the good work man!! =) :) ^_^